Lubricants and Greases

Demo of Masterclass in lubricants blending and quality assurance-Self paced online

This is demo of self-paced training on Lubricants blending and quality assurance. This training course provides an in-depth understanding of the principles, economics and flexibility of lubricant blending plants and how to operate a lubricants blending plant efficiently and economically. The latest developments and trends in lubricant blending and the advantages and disadvantages of lubricant blending equipment, facilities and operations will be discussed. The importance of testing components and products for each blend, lubricant blend quality control and product quality management will be explained. It will also clarify the importance of lubricant product filling, packaging and warehouse storage, strategies for optimizing existing lubricant blending plant facilities and how to avoid or minimize problems with lubricant blending and product quality.

Course Outline:

Mineral Based Oils: API Groups I, II and III: Properties and Characteristics
Synthetic Base Oils: API Groups IV and V: Properties and Characteristics
Lubricant Additives: Properties and Characteristics
Lubricant Formulation and Ease of Blending
Blending Plant Design, Grass Root Plants, Maintenance and Upgrading Existing Plants
Blending Plant Equipment and Facilities and Their Operation
Lubricant Blending Issues: Avoiding Problems
Testing and Analysis of Base Oils and Additives
Testing and Analysis of Blended Lubricants
Product Quality Control
Lubricant Packaging and Filling
Lubricant Storage
Product Quality Management
Brief Insight Into Greases
Greases Manufacturing
Equipment and Suppliers
Operation Overview

What you get when you attend?

Pre and Post Assessment Tests
Lubrication Institute Completion Certificate

System Recommendation:
Plug in your ear phones for best sound quality

Type: Demo

  • Demo.mp4
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed